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A Lawyer’s Christmas Wish

Do you remember me?

I sat upon your knee

I wrote to you with childhood fantasies


A grown-up lawyer now,

I still have hope somehow,

I’m not a child but my heart still can dream


So here’s my lifelong wish,

My lawyer’s Christmas list,

Not for myself, but for a world in need


No more lives torn apart,

Compassion from the start,

and time would heal the heart,


No more need for courts or jail,

Tribunals would be gone,

And fair play would prevail,

This is my lawyer’s Christmas list


As adults we realize

It is not what one buys,

Happiness is not found beneath the tree


Though we have good intents,

Decisions and judgments

May leave behind a damaged human soul


No more lives torn apart,

Connection from the start,

and time would heal the heart


No more need for courts or jails,

Tribunals would be gone,

Humanity prevails,

This is my lawyer’s Christmas list


What is this illusion called?

The innocence of youth?

Maybe only in our blind belief

Can we ever find the truth


No more lives torn apart,

And kindness from the start,

And time would heal the heart


No more need for laws or courts,

For judges, juries, torts,

For lawyers of all sorts


This is my lawyer’s Christmas list

This is my only lifelong wish

This is my lawyer’s Christmas list.


The above is based on “My Grown Up Christmas Wish”, and was adapted for this column.


The content of this article is intended to provide very general thoughts and general information, not to provide legal advice. Advice from an experienced legal professional should be sought about your specific circumstances.  If you would like to reach us, we may be reached at 250-764-7710 or